

Return steam to its optimal, saturated state for heat transfer applications

About Desuperheaters

Although process steam is typically throttled and superheated for efficient distribution, it must be cooled before it’s condensed because it’s less efficient than the saturated steam for many heat transfer operations. The most efficient way to reduce the temperature of superheated steam is to “desuperheat” it, by bringing superheated steam into direct contact with pressurized cooling water sprayed in form of small particles. This steam desuperheater mist of cooling water particles is dispersed using specially designed spray nozzles to maximize efficiency. The desuperheated steam is cooled through the evaporation of the water droplets and exchange of heat between steam and cooling water in a concurrent flow.  

All Croll Reynolds’ steam desuperheaters are tailored to optimize the temperature reduction of superheated steam within your process.  Nozzles are custom designed as with single, multi, or spindle-types nozzles to provide precise temperature control. The fine water atomization is also patterned to avoid side wall erosion. Croll Reynolds offers a full line of desuperheater heat pump configurations depending on the steam flowrates, turndown ratio, and available water pressure. 
