

No steam? No problem. Solutions designed for alternative motive fluids.


Liquid-powered ejectors are commonly called “eductors” and can be used for a variety of applications. They an also be used to convey particulate matter (e.g. activated carbon particles). Eductor are also frequently used as sump or bilge pumps, especially shipboard. As material conveyors, Eductors are frequently outfitted with a conical hopper on the suction, sometimes with wash down nozzles, to allow the particulates to be efficiently drawn into the suction connection.



Eductors commonly have four component parts, a nozzle holder, a nozzle, a mixing chamber, and a diffuser. Like ejectors they are maintenance-free and can be constructed from a wide variety of steel, alloy, and composite materials. Croll Reynolds offers two specialty eductor products, Aqua-vactors and Aqua-ductors.